To all the graduates out there – CONGRATULATIONS! Remember how you spent the last four years putting in the hours necessary to succeed? Unfortunately your years of hard work aren’t over.

Wait, what?!

graduation caps tossed in air

That’s right. Your potential future employer may be impressed that you have worked hard, learned some interesting things, and achieved good grades, but now is not the time to plateau. What most college graduates have is potential, and many employers can see that, but it’s up to you to show them just how much of it you have! This is merely the beginning of your career. It is up to you to prove in your interview that you have those implied skills, and to then put in the work to turn those skills into true value for your organization. You can be anything you want to be, but only if you have the skills to do the job and the drive to succeed.

Once you land a job, establish a professional image from day one. You can do this by being on time every day, finding ways to be proactive, taking pride in your work, helping others do their job well, and growing into your role by learning from your mistakes. Employers need self motivated employees who are dependable, take initiative and who offer ideas and solutions for improvement.

A strong work ethic, honesty, integrity and a positive attitude will help contribute to a successful career in any field.

So again, Congratulations! But remember, your journey has only just begun!

Jeanine Borko

SVP, Human Resources

Jeanine Borko - Headshot